#MyWriterStory from Twitter

I wrote this out in a lengthy Twitter thread the other night. I liked it, so I’m reposting it here… in more detail.

About twenty years ago, I decided I wanted to be a writer. I wanted to craft fun, new, relatable characters. I wanted to weave whole new worlds steeped in adventure, fantasy, & new technologies. But mostly, I simply wanted to tell stories that I hoped others would enjoy.

Well, I guess it is a bit more complicated than that… let me tell you my writer story.

Continue reading “#MyWriterStory from Twitter”

It’s coming soon!

My short story, Only The Poor Die Young, will be published in Third Flatiron’s upcoming anthology. Infinite Lives: Short Tales of Longevity will be published on October 15th, and you can preorder it for Kindle right now on Amazon.


Print copies will follow shortly after.

Also, you can get all of Third Flatiron’s quarterly anthologies for as little as $12/year with a subscription on Patreon:


I hope you all enjoy the story!


Preorder Infinite Lives: Short Tales of Longevity

Great news! You can now preorder Third Flatiron’s newest anthology, Infinite Lives: Short Tales of Longevity, on Amazon. It will be available for download on October 15th.

So if you want to read my newest short story, Only The Poor Die Young, and a bunch of other great tales, make with the clicky below!


I’m very excited about this collection, and I hope you all enjoy it!


Annnnd… Back.

Hey everyone,

Thanks for your patience! I’m sure you saw the pictures from the previous post, so I don’t have to tell you that Hawai’i was absolutely amazing and I can’t wait to go back there someday.

But that said, it is time to get back on track. This vacation has gone on long enough and I have a health journey to continue on.

Some news on that though. I have made a separate blog for my daily tracking, progress, and lifestyle changes. (Check it out here: https://wordsbythepound.home.blog/).  This blog you are currently on will go back to being more about my creative outlets (writing, drawing, etc.), opinions, news and announcements, entertainment, and personal growth.

So if you are just interested in the health stuff, hop on over to the new site using the above link, and be sure to follow and subscribe there. If you want insight into my writing or anything else that pops into my brain that is not health-related, you are in the right place.

Let’s do this thing!

  • DAC

Back From Hawai’i

So… if you have never been to Maui before, I cannot recommend it enough. It was absolutely beautiful and we had the most amazing time. Hands down, best vacation ever.

But don’t just take my word for it. Check out these pictures.

So much fun.

Anyway, on Monday it will be nose back to the grindstone, tracking food and getting this health journey cart righted.

See you then.


Calm Seas: A Tale from The Court of the Dead

Here is the big news!  Sideshow Collectibles and The Court of the Dead have published my new short story, Calm Seas.  Set in the universe of the Court, Calm Seas tells the tale of a band of pirates, stranded on the high seas and questioning their sanity as sailors begin to disappear one by one…

CalmSeas Image

Click here to read it for free at The Court of the Dead website right now.

Afterward, let me know what you think! I’d love to hear your feedback. If you like the story, be sure to share it on your favorite social media channel of choice.


  • DAC

Radio Silence

I know that I have never really been good at updating this blog in a proper/timely manner.  This is something that those of you genuinely interested in what I have to say have likely noticed. I tend to deem these extended periods of time “Radio Silence,” despite the mixing of medium metaphors. Honestly, I’m not happy with these periods, would very much like them to stop, and therefore be more prompt with my writings/blogging. Whether it’s a blog published elsewhere on the web or just a general update on my work and progress, there really is no reason I cannot post more frequently… besides willing myself to get up off my ass (or sit down on it, I suppose) and actually do so.

And aside from my extended blogging in 2017 for Sideshow.com, I have not been all that productive. I’ll spare you the laundry list of lame excuses and understandable reasons. Except one…

Genre writers and storytellers are sponges.  What I mean by that is, we see the world around us, absorb it, filter it, then spit it back out as something new we can call our own.  When things are bad, we create dystopian dramas with unlikely underdogs fighting back against oppressive regimes. When things are good, we create fantastic adventures through space and time, boldly creating and discovering new wonders throughout the universe.

To put it mildly, the state of the world around us right now… isn’t good. Absorbing and viewing in the swirling garbage around us, for me personally, makes it more difficult to feel creative. But you don’t really need to hear about my general malaise at the current state of our political, social, and natural environments. You’ve seen it. You know what is happening. I’m sure you are sick of it too, and wish for some big changes.

So I blocked it all out.

I have always been hesitant to post any social or political views here. I also try to avoid it on Twitter and Facebook aside from the occasional share/retweet which, let’s be honest, is the political equivalent of saying “Yes, I agree with you, but I’m gonna do it from behind this shrubbery where the bad guys can’t see me.”

I think that needs to change.

I know many readers prefer not to have a writer’s political/social views shoved down their throats. But no matter what you are reading, chances are that is exactly what is happening whether you realize it or not. I think it would be impossible for a writer not to include at least a little of their personal beliefs in their works. Whether it is intended is another matter entirely.

Where was I going with this long ramble?  Oh… right… Basically, I need to not be afraid to state my mind. Share my opinions, even if some people may find them unpopular. I think guarding my opinions so closely has been stifling my creativity in a way, because I didn’t want to anger the limited readership I have gained because of a differing opinion.
I think that is all I wanted to say for right now. Hopefully, this will be the first of many new blogs for 2018.
Thanks for stopping by,

Writing Prompt – Character Study

For me, the best thing about writing is creating new and exciting characters.  Because of this, I tend to let them drive the story forward, and sometimes they really surprise me and take me down divergent paths I hadn’t expected.  These are some of the best and most fluid times to be writing, in my opinion.   

I also believe every character has their own unique and interesting story, even if that story isn’t in the pages of your current book.  

So the writing prompt for today, is to take one of your side characters and write their story.  It could be a member of your supporting cast or someone that had only one bit of dialogue and then was gone from the book forever.  Their story can be a simple quick flash fiction or a novel.  It might start as one and end up as the other, who knows? 

Make it interesting, make it fun, make it scary.  Whatever you want it to be it is up to you… just make it.